Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Your Responsibilities as a Good Audience think the band up on stage should work really hard hauling equipment, and sweat their asses off up on stage roaring and performing like rock stars just to impress you and keep you entertained...

Well, you people out there in the crowd have a job to do too!

First of all - get the hell off your ass when the band is on stage! (Physically handicapped excluded, of course) How can anyone really enjoy music on your butt?!

2- Now that you're standing, go up near the front/stage. Don't be shy - more bodies that are visible is encouragement for the performer up there trying to give you the best show possible.

Third - MOVE a bit!!! Even if you just shuffle from one foot to another - DO SOMETHING! Give those performers something to look at other than a bunch of drooling bovine expressions staring vacantly from the darkness. They are sweating and dying up there on that hot stage giving you everything they have, it's RESPECTFUL to give some fucking energy back!! Give lots of energy back!! Dance and mosh and move within the music - become one with the music and let it have it's way with you!

Last - ROAR BACK!!!! Give those bands back every bit of energy they give you!!! They are earning it up there on stage - you EARN IT down there on the floor!!!

Your Goal for Every Evening: To be a sweat-soaked exhausted mess with smeared make-up and horribly messy hair - go in pretty and come out chewed right up and spit back out!!! That's how you know you're done your job as a great audience for the night!

Ask yourself - If you were up on stage, what kind of audience to you want? And BE THAT for everyone who has the guts to get up there, even if you don't like the music.


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