Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hello Moth Interview: Screaming Into The Void - Electronic Edition #3 (Show Video w/ Text)

Hello Moth Speaks
(Unfortunately busy schedules prevented a video interview, but we have a show video from Terminus with our print version!)

CC: How did you come up with the name Hello Moth?

Hello Moth: The name “Hello Moth” made its way out of a cemetery of other (mostly horrible) name ideas I had during a brainstorming session. Glad I didn’t call myself “Fish Ticket.”

CC: What inspired this particular project & when did you start?
Hello Moth: It's gotten harder over time for me to nail this down--when I began, I was making music to distract myself from some darkness that had enfolded me. I've fluttered around some lights since then, so this may have changed a bit.

CC: How long has Hello Moth been performing live?

Hello Moth: As of this writing, about 150 shows and countless open mics.

CC: How long have you been making music?

Hello Moth: As of this writing, about 150 moth years and countless micro-aeons.

CC: Have you had any formal training?

Hello Moth: Yes, but never in musical theatre--people ask me about that all the time.
CC: You have a very unique style & sound - what style of music would you say it is?
Hello Moth: I've always called it Soulless Soul, which for me describes the merging of polar opposites such as robotic/organic, fiery/frozen, quiet/thunderous, healing/killing. Whether subtle or blatant I try to ensure that dynamics like this are at play when I make music.

CC: Do you have any particular influences for this style, or do you try to be as unique to yourself as possible?

Hello Moth: Yes to both. As far as influences, check out The Knife, Eyedea & Abilities, Joanna Newsom. I've been jamming to Prince quite a bit lately.

CC: Hello Moth is a solo project - do you do all of your own recording & mixing?

Hello Moth & Countess Carcass at Dicken's Pub
Hello Moth: Yes, but I'm starting to move away from keeping a strict hold on everything. I recorded, produced and mixed my first album, "Infinitely Repeated." I recorded and produced my second album, "Slave in a Stone," but that was mixed by Spencer Cheyne. I played everything on both these records, but my next album might include a bit more collaboration.

CC: Do you have any plans to include other musicians (even just for shows) or will this always be a one-man show?

Hello Moth: I've got some ideas, yes. I definitely want to keep evolving.

CC: How do you feel about performing alone?

Hello Moth: Loneliness is often an energizing emotion for me.
CC: You’ve popped into Terminus several times over the years – tell us about Terminus!
Hello Moth: I played Terminus in 2015 to one of the most supportive audiences I've ever encountered. It's a world-class festival for dark electronic music, and I love that it exists in Calgary. Singing in subsequent years at Terminus with friend and collaborator Glass Apple Bonzai has been a pleasure too--I met him at my first Terminus and now we're making a music video together!

CC: How is the video with Glass Apple Bonsai going? – you guys even look like you’re meant to work together! 
Hello Moth:The video is looking great. We're midway through editing as I write this. We could definitely use some help on the financial side though; we went WAY over budget to make it amazing. Our funding drive is online at until mid-September 2018.

CC: Is there any show in particular that was most memorable?
Hello Moth:I played a show as direct support for St. Vincent at Sled Island Festival. That was cool.

CC: Any really bad experiences doing shows?
Hello Moth:Any show with bad sound. I've gone to great lengths to fine-tune my music to sound a certain way, so hearing it through bad equipment or engineered by a careless sound tech is a nightmare for me.

CC:Do you do a lot of out-of-country shows?
Hello Moth:I wouldn't say "a lot." Most of my shows are in Canada. But I've played elsewhere (USA, UK, Spain) and this happens more and more lately.

CC: Music is your primary occupation – how is it you are fortunate enough to be able to work on music full-time?
Hello Moth:I hit the jackpot, right? My biggest break so far has been writing a song with Jocelyn Alice (formerly of Calgary). I produced the recording, which went platinum, and that helped a lot financially. I've also had a few Hello Moth tracks perform well enough to help keep me going. Other than that, it's all just hustle. I've had some good months and some scary months.

CC: Tell us a bit about your latest album, and how it relates to your previous releases.

Hello Moth at Dicken's Pub
w/ Strvngers & Die Scum Inc.
Hello Moth:Recording for the next album is underway now. I want this one to breathe differently, if that makes sense. I'm changing the rhythmic pacing, for example, and opening up the instrumentation in some places.

CC: Do you have any other music projects currently on the go?
Hello Moth:Not really.

CC: What are your plans for the future? More Travel? More shows? Already planning the next album?
Hello Moth:More everything!

CC: What do you like to do when you are not making music?

Hello Moth:Standard moth stuff: eat clothes, avoid owls, check out cool porch lights. Sometimes I hang out at coffee shops and answer interview questions. Thanks for including me in your series!

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