Monday, September 24, 2018

Pics: Strvnge Scum - Another Evening of Electronic Music at Dicken's Pub

 3 hours to get ready for a night out at Dicken's Pub with
Hello Moth
Die Scum Inc.
& Strvngers
Hello Moth

Hello Moth & Countess Carcass

Die Scum Inc
Die Scum Inc & Countess Carcass

Die Scum Inc.
Strvngers & Countess Carcass


Strvngers & Countess Carcass

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Your Responsibilities as a Good Audience think the band up on stage should work really hard hauling equipment, and sweat their asses off up on stage roaring and performing like rock stars just to impress you and keep you entertained...

Well, you people out there in the crowd have a job to do too!

First of all - get the hell off your ass when the band is on stage! (Physically handicapped excluded, of course) How can anyone really enjoy music on your butt?!

2- Now that you're standing, go up near the front/stage. Don't be shy - more bodies that are visible is encouragement for the performer up there trying to give you the best show possible.

Third - MOVE a bit!!! Even if you just shuffle from one foot to another - DO SOMETHING! Give those performers something to look at other than a bunch of drooling bovine expressions staring vacantly from the darkness. They are sweating and dying up there on that hot stage giving you everything they have, it's RESPECTFUL to give some fucking energy back!! Give lots of energy back!! Dance and mosh and move within the music - become one with the music and let it have it's way with you!

Last - ROAR BACK!!!! Give those bands back every bit of energy they give you!!! They are earning it up there on stage - you EARN IT down there on the floor!!!

Your Goal for Every Evening: To be a sweat-soaked exhausted mess with smeared make-up and horribly messy hair - go in pretty and come out chewed right up and spit back out!!! That's how you know you're done your job as a great audience for the night!

Ask yourself - If you were up on stage, what kind of audience to you want? And BE THAT for everyone who has the guts to get up there, even if you don't like the music.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hello Moth Interview: Screaming Into The Void - Electronic Edition #3 (Show Video w/ Text)

Hello Moth Speaks
(Unfortunately busy schedules prevented a video interview, but we have a show video from Terminus with our print version!)

CC: How did you come up with the name Hello Moth?

Hello Moth: The name “Hello Moth” made its way out of a cemetery of other (mostly horrible) name ideas I had during a brainstorming session. Glad I didn’t call myself “Fish Ticket.”

CC: What inspired this particular project & when did you start?
Hello Moth: It's gotten harder over time for me to nail this down--when I began, I was making music to distract myself from some darkness that had enfolded me. I've fluttered around some lights since then, so this may have changed a bit.

CC: How long has Hello Moth been performing live?

Hello Moth: As of this writing, about 150 shows and countless open mics.

CC: How long have you been making music?

Hello Moth: As of this writing, about 150 moth years and countless micro-aeons.

CC: Have you had any formal training?

Hello Moth: Yes, but never in musical theatre--people ask me about that all the time.
CC: You have a very unique style & sound - what style of music would you say it is?
Hello Moth: I've always called it Soulless Soul, which for me describes the merging of polar opposites such as robotic/organic, fiery/frozen, quiet/thunderous, healing/killing. Whether subtle or blatant I try to ensure that dynamics like this are at play when I make music.

CC: Do you have any particular influences for this style, or do you try to be as unique to yourself as possible?

Hello Moth: Yes to both. As far as influences, check out The Knife, Eyedea & Abilities, Joanna Newsom. I've been jamming to Prince quite a bit lately.

CC: Hello Moth is a solo project - do you do all of your own recording & mixing?

Hello Moth & Countess Carcass at Dicken's Pub
Hello Moth: Yes, but I'm starting to move away from keeping a strict hold on everything. I recorded, produced and mixed my first album, "Infinitely Repeated." I recorded and produced my second album, "Slave in a Stone," but that was mixed by Spencer Cheyne. I played everything on both these records, but my next album might include a bit more collaboration.

CC: Do you have any plans to include other musicians (even just for shows) or will this always be a one-man show?

Hello Moth: I've got some ideas, yes. I definitely want to keep evolving.

CC: How do you feel about performing alone?

Hello Moth: Loneliness is often an energizing emotion for me.
CC: You’ve popped into Terminus several times over the years – tell us about Terminus!
Hello Moth: I played Terminus in 2015 to one of the most supportive audiences I've ever encountered. It's a world-class festival for dark electronic music, and I love that it exists in Calgary. Singing in subsequent years at Terminus with friend and collaborator Glass Apple Bonzai has been a pleasure too--I met him at my first Terminus and now we're making a music video together!

CC: How is the video with Glass Apple Bonsai going? – you guys even look like you’re meant to work together! 
Hello Moth:The video is looking great. We're midway through editing as I write this. We could definitely use some help on the financial side though; we went WAY over budget to make it amazing. Our funding drive is online at until mid-September 2018.

CC: Is there any show in particular that was most memorable?
Hello Moth:I played a show as direct support for St. Vincent at Sled Island Festival. That was cool.

CC: Any really bad experiences doing shows?
Hello Moth:Any show with bad sound. I've gone to great lengths to fine-tune my music to sound a certain way, so hearing it through bad equipment or engineered by a careless sound tech is a nightmare for me.

CC:Do you do a lot of out-of-country shows?
Hello Moth:I wouldn't say "a lot." Most of my shows are in Canada. But I've played elsewhere (USA, UK, Spain) and this happens more and more lately.

CC: Music is your primary occupation – how is it you are fortunate enough to be able to work on music full-time?
Hello Moth:I hit the jackpot, right? My biggest break so far has been writing a song with Jocelyn Alice (formerly of Calgary). I produced the recording, which went platinum, and that helped a lot financially. I've also had a few Hello Moth tracks perform well enough to help keep me going. Other than that, it's all just hustle. I've had some good months and some scary months.

CC: Tell us a bit about your latest album, and how it relates to your previous releases.

Hello Moth at Dicken's Pub
w/ Strvngers & Die Scum Inc.
Hello Moth:Recording for the next album is underway now. I want this one to breathe differently, if that makes sense. I'm changing the rhythmic pacing, for example, and opening up the instrumentation in some places.

CC: Do you have any other music projects currently on the go?
Hello Moth:Not really.

CC: What are your plans for the future? More Travel? More shows? Already planning the next album?
Hello Moth:More everything!

CC: What do you like to do when you are not making music?

Hello Moth:Standard moth stuff: eat clothes, avoid owls, check out cool porch lights. Sometimes I hang out at coffee shops and answer interview questions. Thanks for including me in your series!